Friday, 14 December 2012

Folding clothes is FUN!!!! Seriously.... DIY project for a 10 year old

Myra is at home bored to death....too much 1 Direction is not good for her too....we have limited time to spend with what's the next best thing????

DIY project that is good for her....good for her discipline...get her away from the internet for a bit....and make one of life's most boring chores...EXCITING!!!

Let's make a T-Shirt Folder Apparatus!!! for Myra and Super Hero Zayn....

Here's what we need to do :

You need lotsa cardboard, cutter/scissors, duct tape

Panel A is 7.5 Inches by 30 Inches (you need 2 panels A s)

Panel B is 9 Inches by 12 Inches

Panel C is 9 Inches by 18 Inches

Tape panels together as shown .... 3 spots only tau...

Place a shirt face down centered on panel B

Fold Panel A1 then A2 then C

And fold get the drift laaaa....

Until you get to this stage...Tadaaaaa!!!!!
So now.....that ain't so difficult kan??? Next if you ask me about designing a folder for Jeans, Bra, Briefs......i will say DO IT YOURSELF!!! Muhahahahaaaa

Now Let's Jom!!!!

2.   2SoS

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